In an unexpected turn of events, two people have reportedly been stuck underground after a collapse at Ballarat Gold Mine. The unfortunate event took place at the Mount Clear, Ballarat, about 4:50 p.m. on 13th March 2024 Wednesday.
The incident.
Emergency personnel were notified and have arrived on the spot in order to begin the rescue efforts. The Victorian Country Fire Authority and The Victoria Police have quickly responded to the emergency call. Ambulance workers, police officers, and firefighters are currently on the scene to get out the trapped individuals.
The Mine
Victory Minerals Pty Ltd is the company which owns the mining operations. When asked about the current situation, the company chose not to respond. The mine is no longer open to the public.
Ongoing Rescue Operations
As of now, the rescue mission is still ongoing and the situation is closely monitored. Every effort is being made to ensure that the stranded individuals are safely evacuated.
This catastrophe has sent shockwaves through the community, underscoring the inherent risks associated with the mining activity.
Our thoughts are with the trapped people and their families at this difficult moment.
Additional Details
The Ballarat Gold Mine has a long history of safety issues, which also includes a tunnel collapse in 2021. The previous collapse occurred after the mine had been without a foreman for over six months. The mine’s troublesome history along with the latest event has raised questions about the safety and safeguards in the place.
Victory Minerals Pty Ltd acquired this mining network from Lihir Gold back in March 2010. Prior to this sale a cave-in trapped 27 miners roughly a kilometer underground.
The mine is a key component for the local economy and any disruptions could have a major impact. This tragedy could have an influence on the mine’s future, particularly given its somewhat mixed safety history.
The Ballarat Gold Mine’s network of mine shafts has been operational since the 1850s and some of the original shafts are still in use today.
Stay tuned for additional details on this developing story.
Disclaimer: This is a developing story. More details will follow.